
Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "Live Full, Die Empty"

There is much conversation around romantic relationships, but only a little about friendships. We develop most of our understanding of navigating romantic relationships within our friendships. After years of hosting several community-based events in NYC for women, I realized that many women crave community but don’t know how to find it or nurture it. Through […]

LifeWise Academy is bringing God to public schools through engaging Bible education during lunch and noncore classes like library, art, and gym. A typical morning at Etna Morning Elementary School in Ohio, for example, doesn’t look like your normal everyday school routine (see below video).   While some students are engaged in class lessons, […]

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "The Blueprint For A Fantastic Future"

In our fast-paced world that’s obsessed with quick fixes, being “well”—whatever that looks like for you—can often feel elusive. If you’re yearning for a holistic approach that prioritizes self-discovery and empowers you to take charge of your health, then Ayurveda, the ancient Indian “science of life,” might be the answer. With its roots in harmony […]

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win "The Impact Of Courage On Your Success Journey"

Don't be deceived and make sure you are tapping into the authentic power of the Holy Spirit.  

If you haven’t touched a vitamin since your Flinstone era, it’s about time you incorporate some beneficial vitamins into your daily routine

Buettner’s research shows that 20 percent of how long we live is dependent on our genes and the other 80 percent is lifestyle.