Donald Trump Came out in his usual rare form, as he and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had their most public and direct fight of the campaign. Ted Cruz Went toe to toe with Donald Trump showing that he is an opponent to reckon with. Chris Christie Delivered a strong debate performance as he sparred with Marco […]

Donald Trump continues to insult his way to the GOP presidential nomination.

NewsOne’s Top 5 gives you a quick rundown of the viral stories we’re talking about today.  “I Feared For My Life:” Teen Tackled By D.C.…

“If you look at the Black Lives Matter movement, one of the most disturbing things is more than one of their protests have embraced rabid rhetoric, rabid anti-police language, literally suggesting and embracing and celebrating the murder of police officers,” Ted Cruz said.

With the 2016 presidential election on its way, we can’t help but think about the leading ladies poised to take over Michelle Obama’s role as FLOTUS. Our current…


Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz found himself in hot water after making insensitive remarks about Vice President Joe Biden just days after his son passed away.…


In hollow pandering of the usual kind, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama had “inflamed racial tensions” during his…


A day after the Clinton Foundation acknowledged mistakes in how it disclosed its donors, a representative with the Republican National Committee (RNC) on Monday accused…