Entertainment News

It's nice to know that the "Daily Show" host appreciates the strength of the sistas'.

News One

The report highlights the progress that has been made in regards to creating opportunities for women and girls of color.

It’s crucial to find joy and light in all this darkness.

Underserved women are affected the most, according to the study. Approximately two-thirds of women in jail identify with a minority group; 44 percent are Black, 15 percent Hispanic, and five percent are of other racial/ethnic backgrounds. Thirty six percent of women in jail identify as White.

While Hillary Clinton prepares to accept a historic nomination as the first women presidential candidate of a major party — a move that will shatter the proverbial glass ceiling — the diversity of the women at the helm of the Democratic National Convention cannot be ignored. Women of color have not only graced the stage in […]

Inspired by video from a comedian’s bit on Facebook, Erica Campbell poses what seems to be an age-old question: do black women have a problem submitting to men? Black women have long had a reputation for being more rebellious and refusing to submit in relationships to men- why is that? These listeners put their two […]


“I wasn’t afraid,” she says. “I felt disgust at what is being done across the country. At the fact that it’s come this far that we have to take to the streets in protest to demand our safety.”

Feature, Lifestyle

It’s always a welcoming feeling when black women are showcased for the natural beauty that they possess, especially when our vast color spectrum is placed front and center for the world to see. That is exactly what The Colored Girl Project does and the results of black female beauty are stunning.   You can look […]


Sixteen female West Point cadets, who took a photo with their arms raised in Black Power fists, did not violate a directive that warns against “partisan political activity” while in uniform