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6 Positive Lifestyle Apps - Black Man Using Smartphone

Source: SeventyFour / Getty

With six months remaining in the year, there’s still time to elevate your life and improve in those areas where you might feel like you’re falling short. Whether you’re struggling to stay afloat or find yourself needing an extra push to strengthen your faith to move forward, you are not alone. Sometimes it’s as simple as navigating your way through the wide range of uplifting apps right on your phone, in order to find that fulfillment and enhance the quality of your every day life.

According to an article on Vibeosys, during lockdown in 2020, there was a total of 20 trending mobile apps that people used consistently, with the Bible App stealing the show in the department of increasing one’s faith. Our phones are powerful tools that house an array of apps that are specifically created to offer support through building positive habits, encourage, uplift, motivate, provide mental health support, and spearhead growth. Thanks to convenience – depending on the app – you are given the ability to measure your growth in real time using features including self-reflection, daily ratings, goal setting, and journaling your thoughts.

SEE ALSO: Mental Health Apps for Black Users

The great thing about elevating your life is that the journey isn’t linear and progress takes time. It’s never too late to start improving and one of these 6 positive lifestyle apps might just be the push you need.


We all know health is wealth and in order to show up as our best selves, we first must make sure our emotional well-being is taken care of. The Happify app is an emotional wellbeing app that assists users in entering a more mindful emotional state through science-based activities and fun games that help boost positive thinking.

YouVersion Bible App

The way, the truth, and the life in app form. For those looking to grow in their faith walk but find themselves struggling to pick up the physical Bible, the YouVersion app offers a variety of versions to suit your preference including daily verses, specific plans catered to your current feelings, the opportunity to connect with others via the app, and the convenience of listening and/or reading your Bible on the go.


An affirmation a day, can keep the negativity at bay. This daily affirmation app hones in one’s happiness through offering personalized affirmations on a daily basis allowing you to record your own affirmation to play back as needed. Known for cultivating positive mindsets through affirmations and self-talk, the ThinkUp app was voted the best app of 2020 by Healthline.


If focus has been lost, this mental wellness app will help it be found. The Remente app features psychology-based tools to help build mental resilience, improve in the area of productivity, and create a sense of consistent motivation within the lives of app holders through setting specific goals and plotting progress, reflecting through inspiration, and removing all distractions in order to prioritize the day.


Through multiple translations and several features, the AI-Quran app gives users the ability to dive deep into understanding the Quran on a deeper level. Special features include word by word analysis, an index to explore a number of topics, Mushaf mode, a planner specifically for planning your Khatmah of the Quran, customizations based on script and color, and an audio system with all the necessary functions to make your studying accessible and worth your while.


Incorporating meditation in one’s day can make all the difference. This well known app has been used in classrooms, office buildings, and in the comfort of many homes. Whether the struggle is focus, relaxation, or lack of sleep, the Calm app offers guided meditation, sleep techniques, music, and videos to assist in alleviating the day to day stressors many experience.

My Mala

Being able to practice your daily meditation no matter the location allows you to truly find the zen within. This innovative app tracks your meditation as you practice your mantras and chants through the use of Buddhist prayer beads, also known as “mala beads.” As each bead is counted on the digital mala, the app makes a sound to alert the user, buzzing on the 108th bead to signal completion.

TED Talks

Searching for inspiration through motivational speeches all combined in one app? Look no further. The TED Talk’s app highlights speakers giving advice on personal growth and development, mental health, and more. With most video uploads aiming to inspire and uplift, the app is a one-stop-shop that allows users to navigate over 3,000 talks from leaders and speakers worldwide.


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6 Positive Lifestyle Apps To Elevate Your Life  was originally published on