
If you voted for the Green Party in the 2016 presidential election, would you be wasting your vote?


What impact will Russian hackers have on Election Day results?


Roland Martin and an expert panel of guests dissect the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


A defiant Donald Trump is expected to take the stage Sunday at the second debate against Hillary Clinton in St. Louis, Missouri, on the heels of one of the worst public relations debacles to confront a presidential candidate in the nation’s history. The town hall debate forum will take place at 9 P.M. EST at Washington University and […]


Nate Parker discusses the tough journey to get the Nat Turner biopic made.


A death row inmate's last-ditch effort to stay alive has gone before the U.S. Supreme Court in a bizarre case.


Will Donald Trump and Mike Pence's embellishment of the truth move voters in the direction of Hillary Clinton?

National, Videos

Nate Parker and the cast of 'Birth of a Nation' share how important it was to be a part of the film.

A new ad targeting Donald Trump contains an appeal to African-American voters by cast members from FOX's hit show Empire.


One issue not being addressed during the presidential debates by either Trump or Clinton is what needs to be done to foster job growth.