News One

Cleveland Police shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice within seconds of encountering him. Rice was brandishing a toy gun. Surveillance video acquired from a youth center across…

National, News One

It is a known fact that many individuals in the African-American community do not trust law enforcement officials and it is becoming more apparent, as…

The family of Leon Ford Jr. has been seeking justice after police cornered the teen on a dark Pittsburgh street after a routine traffic stop…

Florida — Another day, another account of horrific handgun violence. Two St. Petersburg, Florida police officers were fatally shot, and a US Marshal was shot and is in stable condition while executing a search warrant at a house  in St. Petersburg this morning. A local news report indicates that the suspect in the shooting is […]

SAN FRANCISCO– A cell phone video of San Francisco police shooting a man in a wheelchair armed with a knife has surfaced. The man doesn’t seem to pose to much of a threat to the undercover cops but there are reports that he had previously stabbed another officer. KTVU reports: A passerby shot the video […]