News One

Marvel Comics character Riri Williams, an African-American woman superhero, was featured in MIT’s admissions video.

The University of Wisconsin student government proposes free tuition for Blacks. They get push-back from school administration.

Contestant Rachel Lindsay is a 31-year-old attorney from Dallas.

Donald Trump is planning the least diverse cabinet since the Reagan White House. He's 'rolling back the clocks.'

A Black firefighter sues the New York City Fire Department. It has a history of diversity issues.

News One

Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer will step down after five years.

News One

During a basketball game Monday at Warrensburg High School in Missouri, White students turned their backs during the introduction of Center High School players, who are predominantly Black.

News One

Apple’s workforce is still predominately White and male.

News One

According to a new diversity report, Tinseltown suffers from a lack of equal representation.


Notable ESPN broadcaster John Saunders passed away at his house in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York on Wednesday.