The singles decided to cook for the seniors at church. It was a nice gesture, but listen to the audio player to hear Bishop Secular tell what…

One of Bishop Secular‘s members donated 10 flat screen TVs to the church. Talk about a blessing! But listen to the audio player to hear where…

It’s one thing if you made the decision not to attend church. But Bishop Secular has a problem when people get dressed for church and then don’t…

One of Bishop Secular‘s pastor friends has tried everything to make his church young, but the average age is still 47! But listen to the audio…

We might have to start calling President Obama, Bishop Obama! The president brought the church to the White House during the annual gospel celebration, but…

Bishop Secular has a problem with small group bible study. He says if it’s working, cool, but listen to the audio player to hear why he…

Two rival gangs showed up at church the other day and it turned into the wild wild west really quick! But listen to the audio…

Indiana will soon be home to The First Church of Cannabis, as the marijuana-inspired church has been approved by the state.  The Washington Post reports…

The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans has broken its fellowship…

BX Prosecutors say police officer Vladimir Sosa raped a 16 year old girl whom he met at church. Full story at 11 — Brynn…