
Chipotle has temporarily closed dozens of its restaurants in Washington and Oregon out of caution after an E. coli scare.  The Washington State Department of Health said no one has died in the reported cases of infection. However seven of the Washington patients and one Oregon patient were hospitalized.  Chris Collins of Portland, Oregon, went […]

At age 5, Julianna Snow is probably more brave than most adults. The Oregon resident told her parents that she would rather stay home next time she got sick instead of going to the hospital to receive medical treatment. Julianna has spent much of her short life in hospitals being treated for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, an […]

According to a new World Health Organization report you may have just discovered that processed meat such as bacon, sausage and ham could cause cancer and unprocessed meat may be “probably carcinogenic to humans.” You also may have heard that cheese and sugar can be as addictive as a drug, or that even veggie hot dogs may not be completely meat-free (or even human tissue-free). […]

Anna Beckingham wouldn’t have dreamed in a million years that she would be posing topless. However she arrives at a studio, removes her sweater, then her tank top and then her bra, and without hesitation or embarrassment bares her breasts for a photographer. Beckingham who’s a 46-year-old mother of two, isn’t scared that thousands of […]

Are you one of many Superwomen? Like our mothers, sisters and grandmothers, we fill in whenever and however it’s needed when it comes to our family. We are women who do it all and find it hard to ask for help or delegate because we are so programmed to making it happen ourselves BUT we […]

  So I was up a little earlier today making sure my kids got off early enough for the first day of school, and so were so many other parents. On this first day of school, Wake County’s Superintendent James Merrill says that their “teacher shortage” is not slowing them down. Durham’s Superintendent talks about […]

A report released Wednesday shows more than 1 in 5 sexually active teen girls have used the morning-after pill. This dramatic increase likely reflects the change that made it easier now for teens to buy the emergency contraceptive. The morning-after pill contains a higher dose of the female hormone progestin than is in regular birth […]