
  If you really want to give a gift from the heart and not just the wallet then here are a few thoughtful Valentine’s  Day gift ideas. 1. Repeat your first date. If you’re like many couples, your first date was a simple affair. 2. Make homemade chocolate-covered strawberries. This recipe is actually really easy. 3. […]

There are so many deals happening for Black Friday… and alot of them start today!  Thanksgiving Thursday!  Here are a few links that will help you to navigate where you want to go and save. WALMART TARGET

Sometimes we were taught so we thought…. Here are some real good safety cooking tips for your Thanksgiving holiday meal from the USDA.  Enjoy!   Tip 1: Don’t Wash That Turkey. According to the most recent Food Safety Survey, conducted by the Food and Drug Administration, 68 percent of the public washes whole turkey before […]

  AAA Carolinas says an estimated 2 million people in North Carolina and South Carolina will travel at east 50 miles from home this Thanksgiving. That’s an increase of almost 2 percent over last year. The group projects 1.4 million people in North Carolina and 670,000 people in South Carolina will hit the road during […]

  Happy Veterans Day!  There are many businesses that are offering freebies and discounts for vets and some include active military workers with a valid military ID. Below are a few… but CLICK HERE for more, and has a list as well as Applebee’s: On 11/11, Veterans and active duty military will receive a […]

    Memorial Day is a National Holiday that brings along great deals from some of our businesses national and local, although we remember the real reason for the holiday is to remember those fallen soldiers. Here are some discounts for the holiday: Boston Market is offering a Memorial Day Special 25% off any Family […]

Looking for great deals on flowers, candy and cards for Valentine’s Day?  Here’s where you can get a dozen roses for as low as $7.98. source: Roses Dollar General: Fresh single rose, $2.00 (available in most stores starting 2/10) Aldi: Rose bouquet with 6 roses, $3.99 – great price (get 2 of these and you’ll […]

  Best Christmas starter recipes: Best Christmas movies: Best Christmas desserts:  per Martha Stewart Best Family Fun activities

Traveling for the holidays?  Then you can expect plenty of company. AAA projects the number of year-end holiday travelers will top 100 million for the first time on record. Nearly one in three Americans will take a trip this holiday season, with 100.5 million expected to journey 50 miles or more from home.   Read more…. […]

The holiday season is simply a great time of the year. It’s a time to be thankful and to celebrate the birth of our LORD and savior Jesus Christ. It’s a time to reunite with family and friends and can be stressful at times. Here are some helpful tips to avoid holiday stress. Do Not […]