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Join us for some Fun Bible Trivia weekday at 11:50.  This week we’re talking about Biblical meals.

Monday 4/8/13

Q: In Exodus, an important Jewis meal known as Passover was first observed.  In addition to eating unleaved bread, the Jews at the meat of an animal whose blood was smeard on the door tops as a signal for the death angel to “pass over” their homes.  What animal was apart of the Jews meal?

A: Lamb  (Exodus 12:5-6)

Tuesday 4/9/13

Q:  One person in the Old Testamane was so in need of a meal he gave up his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of lentil stew.  Who was this famished man?

A: Esau  (Genesis 25)

Wednesdasy 4/10/13

The prophet Elijah fled the evil hand of King Ahab by hiding in the wilderness along a small brook.  God fed him daily meals in the wilderness through the use of what animal?

A: Ravens  (1 Kings 1)

Thursday 4/11/13


Friday 4/12/13

Q: While having a great feast with many of his contituents, this king witnessed the prophecy of the end of his kingdom through a large hand writing the foreshadowing on the wall.  Who was this king who witnessed God’s hand, literally, at work?

A: Belshazzar  (Daniel 5:5)