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Finally, Dr. Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages offers an approach on how we give and receive love, based on our relationship to our emotions and lived childhood experiences. Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts and Quality Time are the languages that Dr. Chapman believes that individuals use to express love to and fill emotional need. Learning to understand how your loved ones receive love, while recognizing your unique way of giving love can improve communication and help to avoid pain and misunderstanding. Once I discovered how I gave love and expected to receive it, my journey became much clearer as I learned how to articulate my emotional responses to those in the universe who loved me.

These three pearls of wisdom are a gentle balm to the heart, for they give you an opportunity to tap into the well of abundant life already stored within. God’s magnificent wisdom always paves a clear road for you to live life happily and healthily, even through the ever-changing technology age. There are wells of positivity and love all around us. These three tangible gifts will surely restore the intangible pearls of love, acceptance and longing that hold so many of us back from fully experiencing life’s many joys.

More articles by Esih Efuru

The Heart of the Giver

A Woman With No Feet Makes Me Think Again

“Beasts of The Southern Wild” Teaches Us To Live, Love & Laugh

Three the Heart Way  was originally published on

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