Fresh from a sunny outing that brought a smile, Gabrielle Giffords is moving to a Houston rehab center where her husband hopes the “fighter” continues on the path to a full recovery. University Medical Center staffers took the wounded congresswoman to a deck at the hospital Thursday, where she breathed in the fresh air and […]

Sunday’s tragedy not only highlighted the evil man is capable of but also the heroism under duress that man (and woman) is capable of as well. These heroes come from all walks of life and backgrounds. Here are a few of them. Daniel Hernandez A 20-year-old intern to U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has received a […]

Arizona– Last night Keith Olbermann gave a ‘special comment’ on yesterday’s shooting in Arizona, connecting the violence in Arizona to the “ever-escalating, borderline-ecstatic invocation of violence in fact or in fantasy in our political discourse.”