In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF comes to God in a “grateful spirit” now that school has started and the kids are out of the house and in their classrooms! He laments about his house full of children and empty of food over the summer, and how much he looks forward to the days […]

For NFL fans, it’s very a special time of the year. In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF delivers an impassioned prayer to God to thank Him for the beginning of football season. After a long period of waiting while other sports seasons took place, he takes the time to bask in the excitement of […]

The U.S. Unemployment has fallen its lowest since April of 2008, as employers added 173,000 jobs The Labor Department said Friday that the unemployment rate fell to 5.1 percent from 5.3 percent, the lowest since April 2008.   Read more at

Walking almost daily has proven to be an unexpected blessing in my life. The regimen started as a result of my increased focus in the…

After about a four month surge in gas prices, it now seems as though prices are falling at the pump. Prices have dropped 6 cents over two weeks and experts say it may drop another nickel or so in the next week. Right now gasoline prices are lower than they were this time last year […]

Harold Camping, who was wrong about the end of the world for May 21st, now says he miscalculated and “it” will happen in the fall.

Here’s a list of new shows featuring black actors this fall, as well as some returning shows and old faces in new places.

A containment cap is capturing some of the crude pouring from a damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, but government officials warn that the leak could stretch through the summer and into the fall.Â