Today’s Ericaism is inspired by social media, which can be a place, Erica Campbell says, where people focus too much energy on things that are much too small to deserve all that energy. She asks us, if we have 24 hours left to live, how many minutes would you allow yourself to use on being angry, […]

In this latest Ericaism, Erica Campbell reminds us that it’s totally impossible for everyone to like you. Sometimes, you have to just decide not to focus on the bad vibes that people might send your way and keep it moving. Despite how tempting it may be to retaliate when you’re receiving negative energy, the person […]

How many times a day do you look to coffee, soda or candy in your quest to stay awake during work or school? If often,…

You really are trying to be healthy…you go to the gym, you drink water, you even eat healthier. So why do you still feel so…

Gulf fuels new energy-bill pushed. Obama and his Democratic allies plan a major new drive for a broad global warming bill.

Programmable thermostats are an extremely effective way to save serious money on your heating and cooling costs.

Sometimes those extra 10 minutes of sleep we get from hitting the snooze button in the morning are not enough.

Save the green in your pockets with these energy saving tips!

There are plenty of easy and affordable ways to “go green with a home makeover and stay within your budget.”