God created music, and designed humans to sing along.  Something mystical and seemingly supernatural works in us when we sing. Music cultivates the happiness and wholeness of the human soul. Singing stirs and engages the heart, celebrating our greatest joys and consoling us in our deepest sorrows. Read more at DesiringGod.com…. to find out […]

  Being single can be challenging from time to time, especially if you are in a season and desiring a mate but waiting patiently for whom God will send.  Temptation and loneliness can be a battle but prayer is there for us to talk with the Father and help us endure our wait. Desiring God […]

It’s Melissa and I was doing some reading during the Easter holiday and ran across this awesome article. Jesus was dead and buried, with a big stone rolled against the tomb, and the Pharisees came to Pilate to ask for permission to seal the stone and guard the tomb. Pilate responded, “You have a guard […]

“What if Christ had not been Raised”….   We know that Christ died for us and our sins. And we believe that on the third day after his crucifixion that he was raised from the dead with all power… and giving us the manifestation of God’s Word. As Paul puts it “6 Gifts of the […]

  Bad news comes to all at sometime in our lives and even though we can not answer why, there are some why’s given in the Bible…. We cannot answer the Why? in all the granular details of your cancer or your child’s disability. But there are at least six to ten big why’s given in […]

Weekly Bible Study With Melissa: 2 Timothy 2:15 says to  “study to shew theyself approved unto God. Let’s study…. What would be your answer if you were asked, “What happens when the Spirit falls?”  You might say, every one begins to Praise God, with shouting and exhortation of Him. What does the “moving of the […]

    Do you pray and ask yourself questions before you listen to sermons or going to church to hear your Pastor preach? Here is an interesting article by Tony Reinke who says,   So before I listen to a sermon, turn on a Christian album, or open a Christian book, I ask myself these […]