Cam Newton has received a lot of criticism for dancing on the field, his character and more while on the field… so Cam responds to critics comments. Cam says people have so much to say because he is winning and that race plays a factor, he says,“I’m an African-American quarterback that may scare a […]

  According to Madame Noire, Bishop Jakes was blasted for wearing ripped jeans to the church (One Church LA) that his son-in-law and daughter lead. One critic wrote on instagram:    “The jeans are not age appropriate,”… “End of story. Has nothing to do with him being a minister. If my dad wore these jeans, I […]

How we respond to criticism says alot about our character… read Proverbs 9:1-10 and listen to more…

Study Proverbs 15:5 and ask God to give you discernment of heart.  Listen to more….