You know that list of companies that are outspoken about gay marriage? The ones that tell gun advocates to put their firearms away when walking…

I’ve been sweating with my homeboy Joe for years and you should start hanging with my favorite workout partner too beauties. Coffee, also known as…

Coffee. Joe. Java. Whatever you call it, 54% of Americans drink it everyday. While experts warn that there’s definitely such a thing as too much,…

When you’re busy in a tizzy and thinking, “what’s for dinner?”  Check out this scrumptious recipe courtesy of Cece Mcghee from our sister site designed for those on…

  Do you love coffee, the taste, the smell the whole morning ritual?  Mmmmmm….  Lately studies about coffee have been positive including how drinking it in moderation could decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 25%.  But recently the University of Western Australia found that drinking 5 or more cups […]

If it’s one thing everyone loves, it’s convenience and Barnie’s CoffeeKitchen Pronto! Coffee has managed to make coffee making such an easy process, you’d swear…

Just like the right diet can prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, or cancer, health experts are finding that certain foods may boost your mind.

( — Permission granted: You can officially stop feeling guilty about those little “bad-for-you” habits you can’t seem to break. Turns out, many of life’s greatest indulgences bring big health benefits — helping you stay slim, fight off the blues, and kick disease to the curb. And we’ve got the 10 best right here, conveniently […]