
The Democratic presidential candidates will go head-to-head tonight during the party’s first debate in Las Vegas.

President Obama was able to mobilize youth voters of color in unprecedented numbers through hip-hop and other venues. Can the 2016 presidential candidates do the same?

With the 2016 presidential election on its way, we can’t help but think about the leading ladies poised to take over Michelle Obama’s role as FLOTUS. Our current…

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the trending stories you’re talking about: Still At It: Ben Carson Steps Up Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Amid Backlash American-Islamic…

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the trending stories you’re talking about:  Whitesplaining: Matt Damon Rudely Attempts To Explain Diversity To Successful Black Filmmaker…

As he continues to rise in polls in battleground states, Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders is pursuing an essential voting bloc: Evangelical Christians. CNN reports that…

As Republican presidential hopefuls gear up for their second debate on Wednesday, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is struggling at the polls, is trying to…

A jovial Vice President Joe Biden glad-handed with admirers during an appearance Monday at a Labor Day parade in Pittsburgh.

Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders reached out to Black voters last weekend in Republican-heavy Charleston, South Carolina in the hopes of drawing…