News One

Doris Payne, 86, was caught trying to steal a bracelet worth $2,000 at the Von Maur department store in Perimeter Mall.


Daveon Coates,15 and his sister, 11-year-old Tatiyana Coates were killed in an apparent gang retaliation shooting, police say.

Photos of a fourth grade teacher in Atlanta went viral when she was dubbed on #TeacherBae social media. While her beauty is certainly what caught the internet’s attention, Patrice “Tricey” Brown’s positive attention quickly turned negative when people began to scold her for what she was wearing. While Patrice didn’t show any skin, her curves […]

Aaliyah Hall Bell vanished in South Carolina while walking two blocks to visit her godmother.

This edition of GRIFF’s Prayer is brought to us by a Facebook user who asked GRIFF specifically to talk to God about the traffic problem in Atlanta. He passionately prays for their to be a lack of drama and road rage on his way to work in the morning, and for the opportunity to swallow […]

The Atlanta Constitutional Journal writes that Mayor Kasim Reed referred the case to the FBI in response to social media outrage surrounding the incident.


Songstress Judith Hill, the late singer Prince’s protégée, is opening up about his death.


Over the past few years, stories about African Americans being killed at the hands of police officers have become all too common. A new report released by Campaign Zero, an organization that strives to end police violence within our country, has revealed that 59 out of 60 of America’s largest cities have disproportionately killed Blacks. […]

For years, the Ku Klux Klan have fought to be included in Georgia's "Adopt-A-Highway" program and now they have an unlikely ally.

Gerod Roth, the man who posted a photograph of his co-worker’s three-year-old son that ended up being the subject of racist jokes on Facebook, has released an…