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James Cleveland talked about it in the song; nighttime can be a rough time.  I don’t know what it is about darkness, but it seems that all the thoughts of the day come in for a visit.  It’s good to know that there are words you can grab on to as reminders, but also, those folks that the good mother taught me about.  You never know where your encouragement is going to come from.  I like what a friend shared with me, he said, “we serve an 11:59 God!”  I didn’t get it right away, but then it hit me, just in the nick of time, with only seconds to spare, He WILL show up!

Just a few nights later, a friend unexpectedly texted me a scripture that spoke to my situation as if Jehoshaphat and I were joined at the hip.  I am so grateful that when we need it most, those people in our lives will step up not even realizing that what they have to offer might be the answer you were seeking.  Psalms 27:17 sums it all up, iron sharpens iron.

I’ve learned a lot about obedience this week as I reflected on the times that I thought about someone and put the phone call off, or didn’t stop by when I thought that I should.  Did I miss my opportunity to speak into something they might have been going through?  Each one of us is capable of greatness in the midst of turbulent terrain for support and in the good times for celebration.  We are equipped with our own testimonies of things that we made it through as our examples.

It is clear that our testimonies are not necessarily for us, but someone that is standing in the need of that message of hope, which is evidence of how powerful we can be in each other’s lives.  Don’t miss your opportunity to sow where you are planted.

Tanya is an inspirational speaker and writer living in Charlotte. You can friend her on Facebook or email her at Read more columns by Tanya Wilson.

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There’s Nothing Like Good Ol’ Gospel Spirituals!  was originally published on

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