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Easter is about liberation.  It is the day on which many people set forth on their new paths. They are still “feeling” the  joy. The celebration of the resurrection is a chance for us to say, “Yes, Jesus, I believe,” and in so doing, grab the hope that is already there.

Here, then, are 8 ways we might live the resurrection:

1. Go Ahead And Touch Him-When you love others. You are touching him.

2. Know That God Is Good. We sometimes believe the worst. Rid yourself of that thought.

3.Turn Your Worries Over To Him– We do not control everything. If we trust him then we let go.

4. Cast Out Fear- Fear holds us back from change.

5.Go Public– Hiding who you are is not loving in truth and honesty. Make no apologies for being you.

6. Stay Humble – There is someone greater than you are. Accept that your can be a student.

7. Walk The Road To Emmaus– It is the road that leads you to the world. Get on it and live.

8. Pray Always And Everywhere– Prayer is the key to who we are. You must have that dialog to be better.

How do YOU celebrate Easter?  Let us know in the Comments….

Read: I Forgive Anyone Who Has Hurt Me

8 Ways To Embrace The Resurrection  was originally published on