On November 4, the Advancement Project, a multicultural civil rights organization, will team with pro bono legal counsel Arnold & Porter to challenge Wisconsin’s voter…

As reported last March, a Mississippi baby born with HIV to a mother who carried the virus was essentially cured of the disease due to…

After delivering racist remarks on “The Daily Show” Wednesday night, North Carolina Republican official and conservative activist Don Yelton has agreed to step down from…


A new video of Kendrick Johnson in the Lowndes High School gym in Valdosta, Ga., shows that the teen was not alone on the day…


Grambling State University‘s football team has reportedly skipped a practice and team meeting this week over what has been reported as frustration over how the…

A recent video documenting an apparent stop-and-frisk procedure on two men is currently undergoing online scrutiny and exposing the aggressive, verbally violent (at the very least)…


A mother of 10 was shot dead while trying to break up a fight between two women at an Atlanta, Fox 5 News Atlanta reports.…


A 7-year-old boy was burned after he tried opening a pouch of meat during lunch at Pennell Elementary school in Philadelphia on Friday, Fox 29…


Most Black men have had to learn how to survive in White America, where the chips seem like they are often stacked against us in…


Months after her termination from a sports specialist position near Dallas, Carlita Kilpatrick (pictured left) is dealing with a newly released video showing investigators questioning her…