Pastor Jesse Curney is pastor at New Mercies Christian Church, where GRIFF attends!

In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell asks- who do you look like?

Maurette Brown-Clark opened up about her experience discovering the special kind of love that motherhood entails.

In Faith Walking, Erica Campbell explains why you shouldn't beat people up with your faith.

Gospel singer Jekalyn Carr has been on a steady ascension since her first release in 2011.

Vicki Yohe came under fire after she posted a controversial meme on her Instagram.

In this edition of Love Talking, Erica Campbell points out that we’ve been underestimating the power of love. She says that we should always let love- and not silly things, like our haters -be our motivators. She backs up this idea by reading from the book of Matthew 22, when the disciples were asking Jesus […]

In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell points out that it is often mistaken that getting saved is a complex or difficult process. She tells the story of how she and her sister Tina came up with the name “Mary Mary,” and explains that being saved has to do with God touching your heart, […]

Erica Campbell talks about at time in her teenage years when she was talking to her older sister’s boyfriend about why he should get saved and go to church. Everything she was saying to him, however, she backed up because of things her Uncle and Auntie said about God. So of course, Erica’s sister’s boyfriend’s […]

In this edition of the True Hollywood Bible Stories, Erica Campbell and GRIFF tell the story of Blind Bartimaeus, found in Mark 10:46-52. Jesus and his disciples went to Jericho, and Blind Bartimaeus heard he would be walking by. Despite the fact that everyone was telling him to calm down and shut up, Blind Bartimaeus […]