Summer is here, so it might be time to switch up your workout routine. If you’ve hit a plateau, no worries. Listen to the audio…

Women automatically associate weight lifting with bodybuilders, but the likelihood of you turning into the hulk is slim to none. Listen to the audio player…

Eating meat is fine, but Robin Anthony suggests you only eat grass-fed and organic meats. Listen to the audio player to hear why she doesn’t…

One of the most important aspects of our health is our mental health. There’s no way you can truly have good health and wellness with…

You might forget just how important vitamins are, but Yolanda Adams is giving us refresher. Listen to the audio player to hear the five vitamins you should…

P90X and Insanity might get results for some people, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right work out for you. Listen to the audio player…

No one wants to feel or look older than what they are, especially women. Listen to the audio player to hear four things women can…

Ham, sweet potato pies, mac and cheese, and whatever else you’re indulging in during the holiday season is all good now, but you don’t want…

It’s fall, and now is the time to take advantage of some of those in season foods. Listen to the audio player hear Yolanda Adams share…

Who doesn’t want to look younger and slimmer at the same time, right? Well, we know how you can do it. Listen to the audio player…