Nightclubs , bars and restaurants, grocery stores, places of worship, concerts, yoga class , bus stations, movie theaters, schools,  airports, college campuses, and sporting events. All these places have been the site of gunman who can make unexpected victims out of innocent people. These homegrown terrorist are getting a hold of weapons without trouble, while I’m […]

News One

Mathis went so far as to liken the poisoning of Flint to a terrorist attack, saying, “Everyday our Homeland Security -- their biggest fear and preparation is for terrorists poisoning the water. The Secretary of Defense talks nervously about that — well in this instance, our government has poisoned the water and it’s causing permanent damage.”

A 61-year-old Mississippi man was arrested and charged with detonating an explosive after he threw a bomb at a Walmart store because the chain stopped selling Confederate Flags.

Who is burning black churches? Twitter outrage grows as seventh church burns down in 10 days — Max Abrahms (@MaxAbrahms) July 1, 2015 Mt.…

A week after nine people were assassinated at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, a string of fires at Black churches have occurred…