
A year after the murder of Michael Brown Jr. there are thousands of transformative stories from a compiled list of unheard voices. The Ferguson Uprising…


A dark abyss. If someone were to ask me where I was on August 9, 2014 – before I received news that yet another black…

According to Zimbabwe's environment minister, Oppah Muchinguri, the American hunter who killed Cecil the Lion should be extradited

During a Sunday interview with ABC News, presidential candidate Donald Trump defended comments he made about Barack Obama, concluding that America will not see a…


When the world learned of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich American dentist, the world wept over the loss and called…

Despite claims that Sandra Bland committed suicide in a Texas jail cell following a violent arrest after a traffic stop, a Waller County prosecutor said…

A Ku Klux Klan rally in South Carolina Saturday was overthrown by anti-racism protesters and a few viral moments that shifted the conversation from hatred to the…


After presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) was shut down by Black Lives Matter activists at Netroots Nation yesterday, progressives used the #BernieSoBlack hashtag to…


Black Lives Matter founder Patriss Cullors lead a protest at Netroots Nation in Phoenix, Arizona, effectively shutting down the speeches of presidential hopefuls former Maryland,…