
During a rally in Philadelphia over the weekend a book was thrown at the President and a man was arrested for steaking

The Wake County school assignment debate will be the conversation again today with two meeting scheduled about the topic.

Radio One Raleigh recently joined the "Building A Better You" personal development program for our 30 days of giving.

Mount Pisgah OFWB Church will celebrate 150 years of ministry. I had the opportunty to speak to the astor Bishop Reginald S. Hinton about this historic occation and and the events surrounding the celebration.

Zuckerberg donated a grand sum in order to balance an unflattering portrait of him in the newly released film "The Social Network".

Things appear to be getting serious between Halle Berry and her co-star-turned-boyfriend Oliver Martinez. The Oscar winner recently introduced him to her mother.

Memorial services have been set for gospel music great Albertina Walker and President Obama makes statement

Be mindful of who you invite in your home. Why you’re asking yourself. NC man was shot and killed in home invasion. One of the suspects knew the man and ate dinner with him regularly.

Why did this NC women Hire a Hitman to kill her husband.