Melissa Wade

God says his grace is sufficient for us… listen as I elaborate on today’s Midday Med’s.

Many of us find ourselves rushing THROUGH life when we actually don’t even know where we’re going IN life.

Stop getting upset about the little and just say “Oh Well.”  Listen to today’s Midday Meditation.

So you fell while running for God; get back up, dust yourself off and get back in stride again.

  Listen to Melissa’s latest Midday Med.  “A lesson on forgiveness.”  Study Matthew 5:44.

In James it says “let patience have her perfect work….  ask God for his staying power, so that you will be patient and reap all that he has in store for you.

Anything that is hidden has power over you, so turn on the light, the Light of God.

As Christians we must understand that even the disapointments will benefit us and work together with everything else for our good.

Everyday of our lives we should be excited about the fulness of life. Psalm 35:9

Our God has not given us the spirit of fear.  John 8:44 says that the devil is a liar and does not stand in truth, speaks falsehoods and deceives God’s people.  Listen to more…