About Callie Douglas

In the weeks since the Jan. 12 earthquake that leveled Port-au-Prince, cruise ships full of mostly American tourists have continued to dock in Labadee, a private resort 60 miles north of Haiti's devastated capital city.

The H1N1 flu dominated headlines in 2009 and became the No. 1 health story of the year as it quickly emerged as a global concern.

Find out how to deal with your sexual limitations in a Christian way. <!--more-->

The holidays are right around the corner. This is the time of year when people who are trying to watch their weight start obsessing over carbs. I think it is time to present the truth on carbs once and for all.

A young Muslim girl converts to Christianity and fears punishment from her parents. Read about her story. <!--more-->

Find out how to deal with adultery in a <strong>Christian</strong> way. <!--more-->

A fourth grader <strong>President Obama</strong> asked the question so many people want answered. Watch the video here. <!--more-->