A Man praying holding a Holy Bible.

Source: Duncan Andison / Getty

There is still time for you to nominate your pastor for the December Pastor of The Month. What better way of showing your love an appreciation to your pastor. This would be a great gift it would be to have them recognized over the airway for their great leadership and commitment to doing God’s work.

Most pastors are humble and modest and say they don’t need to be recognized but trust me from experience they feel very much honored to be the Pastor of The Month.  Some pastors were brought to tears to see how much effort, love and approbation for their service to the church shown by the their congregation.

The Light staff loves to do the Pastor of The Month presentation so much that we all fight to do it. It’s hard to articulate in writing how special that moment is, there is so much love shown and felt during the presentation.

It does not take much time to make the nomination and the deadline is this Sunday at 11:59 pm. Be sure to only have one nomination profile for your pastor so the votes are not split. Thank you for taking the to nominate your pastor for The December Pastor of The Month.  The Pastor of The Month is sponsored by Allstate Insurance and the Tony Lee agency.
