Taking a mother’s advice on the many issues in life we may face is not always a daughter’s first instinct. Growing up, many of us…

It’s no secret that the glass ceiling is still holding a lot of women back from achieving everything they need to at work. So it’s…

Making mistakes at work is inevitable. Starting a new job brings about its own learning curve, which may prove difficult. Additionally, if you are seeking…

Social media is very necessary these days for the edification of most businesses, both big and small. It not only is a cost effective means…

Often times when you’re blaming everything and everyone around you, it’s really you that’s the problem. Listen to the audio player to hear Yolanda’s Take on why…

There comes a time when you just have to move on from your job, especially if you’re stressed. Listen to the audio player to hear Yolanda’s…

As with other forms of discrimination in the workplace, gender discrimination can be so subtle that most women are unaware of its existence until the…

Having a full time job while moonlighting with part-time work is not totally uncommon. Many employees have to take on extra work to supplement low…

Work-life balance has become one of the most important issues surrounding employee satisfaction. With advances in technology, many employers and employees are recognizing the need…

Things can get a little messy when you have friends in the workplace. AV asks listeners would they risk friendship for a promotion. Listen to the…