Remember to give God glory in our good times as well as our tough times, God deserves the glory, honor and praise for everything in our lives – Jerry Smith.

Treat people the way you want to be treated and that’s with respect – Jerry Smith.

Free yourself of those who have hurt you in the past by forgiving them for the pain they brought into your life. Don’t let them to continually have a space in your daily life thinking about the pain they caused you. Forgive them and let it go, live your life to the fullest -Jerry Smith.

Not letting go of things from your past will often keep you from receiving the great things that the future has waiting for you – Jerry Smith.

Whatever you build, make sure it’s built on a strong foundation – Jerry Smith.  

Life is too short to spend a day fussing and fighting. Instead spend the day laughing and loving, tomorrow is not promised. Make the most of today – Jerry Smith.

The only time I look down on someone it to extend a hand to lift them up – Jerry Smith.

When making your way up the latter be sure to bring others along with you – Jerry Smith.

In life the road that you choose to travel will determine your destiny. The choice is yours – Jerry Smith