Radio One Exclusive

Colin Kaepernick‘s fight against NFL owners is heading to trial. An arbitrator declined to dismiss the NFL’s contention that league owners did not collude against Kaepernick to keep him out of the NFL last season. Per Yahoo: The decision comes in the wake of a summary judgement hearing in which the NFL argued Kaepernick’s attorneys […]

Roy Oliver, the Texas officer who fired five times into a car holding 15-year-old Jordan Edwards after a party in suburban Dallas was found guilty of murder on Wednesday. Jurors deliberated for 12 hours over two days before rendering their verdict. Oliver’s defense attorney argued that the shooting was justified because they the car Edwards […]

As we go through the days remembering Hurricane Harvey, Houston City Councilwoman Amanda Edwards reminds us that we’re not exactly out of the woodworks yet. The councilwoman sat in with the Madd Hatta Morning Show to discuss what’s occurred since Harvey affected the Houston area last year and what is the city is doing to […]

One year after Hurricane Harvey, thousands of families are still struggling to put their lives back together. You can still help out by donating. Let’s REPRESENT for Houston.