Midday Motivational Moment

The Past, the Present and the Future… here’s what to do.

Because he is a friend like no other… then we should know how to be a friend.  Proverbs 18:24

Sometimes hardships are there to develop our character or maybe to bring us closer to him.  Psalm 42:7

Don’t minimize the journey… it’s just as important and getting to the Promised land.

Matthew 19:26 says, “with God all things are possible.”

2 Corinthians says God is the God of all comfort, and because we have experienced it, then we are qualified.

True worship is a vertical relationship with God and if it’s genuine it will produce horizontal works. 

The beautiful things that happen everyday is all because of God.

Don’t consider your weakness a failure. 

Genesis 1:27 says God created us in his own image…