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Last month, George Zimmerman stood trial for the 2012 shooting of the unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and was acquitted of second-degree murder, and now his wife, Shellie (pictured), who became a fixture at her husband’s court proceedings, is speaking out about their “strained” marriage on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”  In a sit-down interview with investigative reporter Christie O’Connor, Shellie gave viewers insight on the backdrop of her marriage and how she is going to have to “think about” whether she stays married to Zimmerman.

SEE ALSO: Zimmerman Visits Factory That Made Gun He Used To Kill Trayvon

On Wednesday, Shellie was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and one year’s probation for lying during her husband’s bond hearing about their finances. As to whether Shellie was pressured by her husband to do so may forever remain a mystery, but one thing is certain: Zimmerman didn’t show up when it was Shellie’s turn to face a court judge.

RELATED: Shellie Zimmerman Pleads Guilty To Lying During Bail Hearing

When O’Connor asked if Shellie wanted George’s support in the courtroom, Shellie said, “I always want my husband’s support.”

One of the most-important questions O’Connor asked Shellie was about her husband’s murder of Trayvon Martin, O’Connor cautiously asked, “Do you think George is capable of having profiled Trayvon and killed him on purpose?”  To which Shellie immediately blurted out, “No, that’s just not his way.”

O’Connor then went on to probe Shellie about what took place the night Martin was gunned down in the Zimmerman household. Shellie explained that she couldn’t provide any details about the night of the murder, because she had left their home due to an argument, “I was staying at my father’s. We had gotten in to an argument the night before, and I left.”

Regarding the cause of their argument, Shellie wouldn’t provide any details, but that didn’t stop O’Connor from asking whether George flies off the handle, “Does George have a temper? How volatile did it get the evening before?” O’Connor asked.

Shellie refused to answer, saying, “Not going to answer that.”

The 26-year-old did discuss their experience after Trayvon was killed, saying that their time was spent just trying to hide from the world as they awaited the trial, “We have been pretty much gypsies for the past year and a half. We’ve lived in a 20-foot trailer in the woods, scared every night that someone was going to find us and that it would be horrific,” she recounts.

The couple has been guarded by security since June of last year, which was also during the time that Shellie was cuffed for perjury. The young woman says that she is grateful that they’ve managed to not be harmed by those individuals who have an agenda against her husband. “It got very crazy. living with bodyguards. It kind of feels like you’re with a babysitter. You really can’t make any choices for yourself anymore. We were in hiding. We were in the woods,” she expressed to O’Connor.

Regarding the inner workings of their union, Shellie revealed to O’Connor that during the time following the Martin incident, Shellie seemed to imply that she was walking on eggshells with George, “George has never laid a hand on me nor has he ever used any sort of force. I was concerned that we were living in something that we’d never experienced before and that there is a first time for everything…I just always had that kind of fear in the back of mind,” she said.

According to Shellie, what will always haunt her are the events immediately following the not-guilty verdict for her husband, “The deputies were so afraid of people shooting in to the windows of the courthouse that they were pushing us up against the wall so that we couldn’t be seen by the people outside, and that was really scary because at that moment it became very real. It’s been real this whole time, but that was a distinct moment for me that I’ll never forget, being pushed against the walls and thinking at any second, my life could be over.”

Since the trial, George has kept himself in the news, with his most-recent headline involving a visit to the Florida gun manufacturing plant that had produced the weapon that killed Trayvon.  O’Connor asked Shellie, “Do you think it was the right thing to do, sensitive?”

Without mincing her words, Shellie replied, “No, I just think that he’s…been living in a pressure cooker, and he is doing and thinking things that none of us can understand right now.”

Watch Shellie Zimmerman’s “Good Morning America” interview here:

Shellie also told O’Connor that she always believed her husband’s self-defense story and was saddened by the fact that he was being labeled a “murderer or some sort of racist.”

Shellie also expressed how she feels sympathetic toward the Martin family stating, “I’m so deeply sorry for their loss…I can’t even begin to understand the grief that a parent experiences when they lose a child,” she said.

Shellie also expressed how she yearns to be a Mother one day and to stay married.  When O’Connor asked whether she and George were still together, she replied, “I’m not gonna to answer that.”  When O’Connor asked Shellie if her dreams of becoming a Mom and being married would be realized with George, Shellie hesitantly stated, “That’s something I am going to have to think about.”

Shellie reportedly agreed to the interview with O’Connor so that she could set the record straight and move on, even though George Zimmerman has “beaten down her self-esteem.” According to O’Connor, “When I asked her [Shellie] why she was doing [the interview], Shellie said, ‘I want to start my life back.’ George Zimmerman has beaten down her self-esteem.” She admits to having made mistakes but says she is owning up to them now and moving forward with her life, but as to whether or not this move will include Zimmerman, only time will tell.

Zimmerman’s Wife: George Has ‘Beaten Down My Self-Esteem’  was originally published on