News One

News One

A group of African American pastors in Chicago fed up with Democrats in Illinois who did not do what they promised to do as it relates to education…

In theory, the historic victories of Tim Scott (pictured right) and Mia Love (pictured) are worthy of celebration. After Sen. Jim DeMint resigned in November 2012, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley appointed…

News One

Republicans won big on election day taking control of the Senate after picking up seven seats and could push their numbers to 54 in what…

News One

Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight talk panel (Lauren Victoria Burke, Angela Rye, J. Hogan Gidley, Tara Wall and Dr. Jason Johnson) take a…

News One

Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now” says no matter who won in the 2014 midterm elections don’t sit on your behind get involved, get engaged…

News One

By now you know that the GOP took control of the Senate — and therefore Congress — on Election Day. What you may not know is…

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the longest two years of your life. A period that will surely feature an already broken Congress proving itself to be even…

News One

Once election day is over the real work starts. There are a number of issues that will confront newly elected officials, incumbents and President Barack…

News One

In what would seem to be a last ditch effort to gin up the Black vote on election day, Democrats are invoking the shooting deaths…

  The 2014 Midterm Elections feature a series of key races that could have staggering implications down the road. With eight tightly-contested U.S. Senate races…