Midday Motivational Moment

We must learn to overcome life’s distractions that keep us away from God’s plan for us in our lives.

2 Corinthians 9:7 says God loves a cheerful giver.  Listen….

Face your challange to be what God has ordained you to be.

Admit your mistakes and learn from them.

Psalm 119:105…. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path… so let God guide you to victory.

Each Day is special in it’s own way… listen.

A Christian cannot cold and hot “at the same time.”  Revelations 3:15

The Lord says, he will do a new thing in you…. so turn to God, to turn it around for you.

That is what God has given us and the equiptment to accomplish them.  Don’t be decieved, stand on the promises of God. 2 Peter; 2 Timothy.