
Maybe your right eye starts twitching when you glimpse your disappearing 'do in the mirror. Or perhaps you fling sofa pillows across the room every time your team blows yet another 20-point lead. This isn't mere annoyance rearing its head—it's bona fide stress, and proof that real anxiety can spring from far more than relationship angst, finances, and work.

Sometimes those extra 10 minutes of sleep we get from hitting the snooze button in the morning are not enough.

If someone with a busy lifestyle that includes working, taking care of family and always being on the go, it can be difficult to find time to work out.

<strong>Type 2 Diabetes</strong> is one of the fastest growing medical conditions in our country today, but is it manageable and maybe even reversable?

Most of us have heard that <strong>bran</strong> can help up lead a <strong>healthier life</strong> but new studies show a direct connection between consumin bran and improving our heart-health.

A drink or two may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new study shows.

A seemingly physically fit man goes out for the usual 5 mile run. Before he has a chance to finish, he drops dead. This is the story of several men who have taken their last breaths during their normal exercise routine.

Can a national campaign really influence people to change their daily habits?

I think we have all long known what John Gray put down in words in his bestseller, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: There are differences between the sexes, not just physically, but psychologically. And a new study being published in the May issue of Personality Individual Differences reinforces that belief.

It's been many years since I had to prepare lunches for schoolchildren. But I did do it for more than a decade, and mostly on a budget. With hot lunches at many schools being costly or of poor nutritional value, it is certainly wiser and healthier to pack your own.